For more accurate and detailed information on the housing market and trends in your area visit Wheaton Homes For Sale and then click on Market Insider and just input the desired areas zip code.
The median listing price for a home and/or condo in Wheaton is right at $396,840. The list prices of homes have steadily decreased since the 6 month high in July with an average list price of $406,630. Without accurate data on the sold homes, as that information is still being processed, it is unknown as to whether home prices are dropping along with the list prices.
After being listed for sale, it is taking about 114 days on the market in order to sell these homes, with a 30 days closing time period included. There are currently 269 active listings in the Wheaton area (60187) with about 19% of those listings being distressed properties (foreclosures and short sales).
Visit to browse homes currently for sale in Wheaton for free and to view commuity and market information for this areas and others.